full transcript

From the Ted Talk by Jennifer Golbeck: Your social media "likes" expose more than you think

Unscramble the Blue Letters

If you remember that first decade of the web, it was really a sattic place. You could go online, you could look at paegs, and they were put up either by organizations who had teams to do it or by individuals who were really tech-savvy for the time. And with the rise of social media and social networks in the eraly 2000s, the web was completely changed to a place where now the vast majority of content we interact with is put up by aeravge users, either in youtbue videos or blog posts or product reviews or social media postings. And it's also become a much more interactive place, where people are interacting with others, they're commenting, they're saihrng, they're not just rienadg.

Open Cloze

If you remember that first decade of the web, it was really a ______ place. You could go online, you could look at _____, and they were put up either by organizations who had teams to do it or by individuals who were really tech-savvy for the time. And with the rise of social media and social networks in the _____ 2000s, the web was completely changed to a place where now the vast majority of content we interact with is put up by _______ users, either in _______ videos or blog posts or product reviews or social media postings. And it's also become a much more interactive place, where people are interacting with others, they're commenting, they're _______, they're not just _______.


  1. reading
  2. static
  3. early
  4. youtube
  5. sharing
  6. pages
  7. average

Original Text

If you remember that first decade of the web, it was really a static place. You could go online, you could look at pages, and they were put up either by organizations who had teams to do it or by individuals who were really tech-savvy for the time. And with the rise of social media and social networks in the early 2000s, the web was completely changed to a place where now the vast majority of content we interact with is put up by average users, either in YouTube videos or blog posts or product reviews or social media postings. And it's also become a much more interactive place, where people are interacting with others, they're commenting, they're sharing, they're not just reading.

Frequently Occurring Word Combinations

ngrams of length 2

collocation frequency
social media 6
curly fries 3
media companies 3
social networks 2
personal data 2
people interact 2
totally irrelevant 2
information spreads 2

ngrams of length 3

collocation frequency
social media companies 3

Important Words

  1. average
  2. blog
  3. changed
  4. commenting
  5. completely
  6. content
  7. decade
  8. early
  9. individuals
  10. interact
  11. interacting
  12. interactive
  13. majority
  14. media
  15. networks
  16. online
  17. organizations
  18. pages
  19. people
  20. place
  21. postings
  22. posts
  23. product
  24. put
  25. reading
  26. remember
  27. reviews
  28. rise
  29. sharing
  30. social
  31. static
  32. teams
  33. time
  34. users
  35. vast
  36. videos
  37. web
  38. youtube